Board productivity

Digitise leadership and governance

Increase board productivity by simplifying the agenda and reports.

Board members spend a lot of time in meetings and reading reports.

Corporate reports tend to be retrospective, out of date, inflexible, obscured by detail, incomplete, and unreliable; and don’t tell you whether the rules are being followed, say how the organisation will perform, mitigate risks, regulate behaviour, or support decision-making.

Meetings tend to deal with topics in isolation, can wander off the point, are unrelated to strategic outcomes, sometimes take place out of habit rather than need, and either allow only one person to be productive at a time or have everyone talking at once.

The Perendie platform ® provides current, complete, essential, transparent, predictive and actionable board information. Through the strategy & risk map, the platform provides the agenda for board meetings and focuses them on the strategic outcomes. The superior information and focus increase the productivity of boards.

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